Current concepts in the management of massive, irreparable, rotator cuff tears


  • Andreas Panagopoulos Patras University Hospital
  • Basileios Giannatos
  • Emmanouil Brilakis
  • Dimitris Varvitsiotis


massive, irreparable, rotator cuff tears, arthroscopy, superior capsular reconstruction, reverse shoulder arthroplasty


Massive irreparable rotator cuff tears (MIRCT) are clinical entities difficult to treat and can cause severe impairment in the shoulder joint due to pain, restricted motion, and lack of strength. Arthroscopic debridement, partial tendon repair, subacromial balloon spacer, superior capsular reconstruction (SCR), tendon transfers and reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) are the commonest techniques addressing the problem depending on patient age, clinical evaluation and tendon loss. Tendon transfers and SCR have shown promising results in younger patients. In contrast, RSA and arthroscopic debridement with or without a balloon spacer are reserved for older individuals. This mini comprehensive review will discuss the above techniques’ indications, rationales, and evidence.


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