Bilateral simultaneous bony skier’s thumb. A case report.
Hand trauma, ulnar collateral ligament, skier’s thumb, metacarpophalangeal jointAbstract
Injuries of the thumb during winter sport activities usually occur amongst skiers, followed by snowboarders. Rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is most common injury, as a result of fall or an entrapment of the hand in a ski pole. We present a simultaneous bilateral bony rupture of the thumb UCL in a female recreational snowboarder, sustained after a simple fall during a snow ride. Surgical intervention with open reduction and stabilization with 1 mm Kirschner wires was performed at one time on both hands by the same orthopedic surgeon. A thumb plaster cast was applied for protection on either thumb. K-wires and the thumb cast were retained for a period of 4 weeks. The patient regained full function of her thumbs at 6 months postoperatively.
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