School scoliosis screening, a program useful not only for the prevention of scoliosis. Part two: a clinical research tool for the study of the aetiology of idiopathic scoliosis.
school scoliosis screening, aetiology, idiopathic scoliosis, environment, is prevalence, geographical latitude, menarche, melatonin, is pathogenesis, visual deficiency, age at menarche, curve laterality, brain, truncal asymmetry, thoracic cage, segmental thoracic ratios, segmental rib vertebra angles, segmental rib vertebra angle differences, growth, thoracic inertia, gait, double rib contour sign, rib index, lateral spinal profile, sagittal plane, intervertebral disc, cavus foot, somatometric parameters, surface topography, leg length inequality, BMI, epigenetics, parental age, IS concepts.Abstract
This report presents the contribution of the school scoliosis screening program on aetiology/scoliogeny of idiopathic scoliosis. A number of issues are discussed related to the analysis of collected data from scoliosis school screening , namely the study of the influence of environmental factors in IS prevalence, that is the geographical latitude, menarche and the role of melatonin in IS pathogenesis, the relevance of scoliosis in women with visual deficiency, the age at menarche and its relation to laterality of the curve, the role of the brain in truncal asymmetry and idiopathic scoliosis pathogenesis, the thoracic cage in normality and its role in IS pathogenesis. We present the introduction of segmental thoracic ratios method and of the segmental Rib Vertebra Angles and Rib Vertebra Angle Differences in thoracic radiographs. The relative narrowing of the chest during growth: a hypothesis involving pelvic and thoracic inertia in gait and the introduction of double rib contour sign and the Rib Index. The impact of the lateral (sagittal plane) spinal profile, the role of the intervertebral discs in IS pathogenesis and the association of cavus foot with IS are also discussed. Additionally, the analysis of the somatometric parameters, the study of surface topography and the role of leg length inequality are presented. A pathophysiologic concept possibly common with IS is postulated studying the BMI in relation to the asymmetrical healthy adolescents. The parental age at birth is presented as a possible epigenetic factor/mechanism for the truncal asymmetry of a child. Finally, we summarize the outcomes and the hypothesized concepts related to IS scoliogeny, resulting from our SSS program, and our related publications on all the above discussed topics.
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