Hyperbaric oxygen treatment: functional and neurological recovery, following spinal cord injury
hyperbaric oxygen, spinal cord injuryAbstract
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is an urgent condition with a high rate of clinical disability. Therefore, it is mandatory for clinical research to find effective therapies to recover from SCI and improve mobility and sensation. The purpose of this study is to review the use of hyperbaric oxygen in the functional and neurological rehabilitation of SCI patients. This is a narrative literature review. The following keywords were searched in the PUBMED literature: “hyperbaric oxygen” AND “spinal cord injury”. Inclusion criteria were clinical trials and animal studies investigating the use of hyperbaric oxygen in spinal cord injury recovery. Non-English language studies, systematic reviews, case reports, in vitro studies and research protocols were excluded from the study. Search results showed 100 posts. After checking titles and abstracts, 28 articles were rejected. Of the 72 publications evaluated, 10 were rejected for various reasons, leaving 62 studies (51 animal studies and 11 human studies) for the present review. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment has been found to have neuroprotective properties when administered after SCI. Animal studies have shown promising results and revealed various mechanisms contributing to these neuroprotective effects, including reduction of neuronal inflammation and apoptosis, reduction of oxidative stress, reduction of spinal cord edema and improvement of angiogenesis and autophagy. However, the number of clinical studies is rather small, with small sample sizes, showing various results. Regarding the use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment after SCI, the optimal timing, duration, frequency and pressure of hyperbaric oxygen treatment after SCI has not been clarified. Further high quality human studies are needed to fully elucidate the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in SCI management.
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