Fracture of femoral neck in modular total hip arthroplasty: Report of 3 cases and review of the literature.
Modular THA, fracture of the neck, corrosion, revisionAbstract
Modular stems offer to surgeons the flexibility to adjust intraoperatively the femoral neck version independently of individual femoral geometry that theoretically can minimize the bearing surface wear, potential implant loosening and the rate of dislocation. Excellent functional outcomes and survivorship rates of modular stems has been reported in the literature but increasing modularity also renders several postulated disadvantages such as implant fracture, fretting and galvanic corrosion, pseudotumor formation and increased rate of revisions for stem loosening, dislocation and adverse local tissue reactions. We report here three cases of modular femoral neck fractures in patients who underwent a primary total hip arthroplasty in our department and also, we present a systematic review of similar cases in the literature trying to identify the incidence and the main risk factors.
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