The effects of Clinical Pilates exercises on patients with chronic low back pain: a systematic review
clinical Pilates, chronic low back pain, physiotherapy, systematic review.Abstract
LBP can be characterized as a common disorder, with serious complications to a patient’s life, as seen in clinical practice. The aim of the present study was to perform a systematic review of all the previous studies, in order to examine and clarify the impact of Clinical Pilates exercises on CLBP and to investigate any benefits of Pilates to CLBP patients. Eighteen randomized controlled trial articles were included. Each Pilates exercise regime was heterogenic, concerning its frequency and duration. Clinical heterogeneity was apparent in the RCT studies, a fact that was proven by the contrasting conditions, frequency, and duration of either the Pilates or the normal intervention. The study’s outcomes indicate that Pilates as a therapeutic exercise method is exceeding typical intervention for pain relief up to an extent. Even though it was observed that Pilates-based regime combined with typical exercise regime can enhance pain relief process, it is should be noted that it is not the norm. Pilates exercise can be characterized as fairly more effective comparing typical physiotherapy treatment as far as disability reduction is concerned, and can provide equal advantages to minimal intervention.
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