Achilles tendon enthesopathy (AE) involves four different pathologic entities of the tendon’s distal insertion to the calcaneus. These entities are described as (a) insertional Achilles tendinitis, (b) retrocalcaneal bursitis, (c) Haglund’s deformity, and
Achilles tendon, enthesopathy, retrocalcaneal bursitis, Haglund’s deformity, calcified tendonitisAbstract
Achilles tendon enthesopathy (AE) involves four different pathologic entities of the tendon’s distal insertion to the calcaneus. These entities are described as (a) insertional Achilles tendinitis, (b) retrocalcaneal bursitis, (c) Haglund’s deformity, and (d) intrasubstance calcification. There are many causative factors that lead to the development of AE, such as overuse, trauma, inadequate training or sport equipment, metabolic disorders and autoimmune diseases. The treatment can be initially conservative and in refractive cases surgical.
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