Pressure sores as a complication in patients with spinal cord injury. Prevention and treatment
Pressure Sores, Spinal Cord Injury, FlapReconstruction, Pressure Sores’TreatmentAbstract
The present study critically examined pressure sores/ulcers as a seminal side effect associated with patients who have suffered spinal cord injury. The statistics show that a large percentage of this patient group develops pressure sores due to prolonged bedrest and inactivity. The aim of this study was to present a review of pressure sores treatment tactics that specifically pertain to patients who remain immobile due to spinal cord injury. The available methods for prevention and treatment of pressure sores either conservatively or surgically were assessed. Source material for this review was chosen according to its specificity to pressure ulcers and spinal cord injury. The choice of treatment is decided according to the categorization of pressure sores into 4 stages. The study focused on surgical treatment via the use of flaps, that has been shown to be revolutionary in handling advanced pressure ulcers (stage III and IV), yielding a large percentage of successful operations. The surgical intervention was then extensively analysed in terms of operative procedure, postoperative management andpossible complications. In conclusion, flap reconstruction was found to be successful in optimizing the treatment of pressure ulcers in patients with spinal cord injury.
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