Necrotising fasciitis of the lower extremity following streptococcal pharyngitis
necrotising infections - fasciitis - myositis - streptococcal infections -, pharyngitis -Abstract
Necrotising fasciitis is a grave infectious process affecting the fascia, the overlying soft tissues, and, occasionally, the underlying muscle. Various bacteria can be the cause of this aggressive and fast progressing disease. Skin lacerations or surgical wounds are the portal of entry in most patients; however, hematogenous spread of the microorganism can occasionally initiate the process. Streptococcal pharyngitis (group A β hemolytic streptococcus – GAS) followed by necrotizing fasciitis of the lower limb is a very rare finding with only a few case reports found in the literature. Two such cases of necrotising fasciitis of the left lower limb with similar features treated by the same surgeon at two different hospitals in two different countries are presented. The outcome was favorable in both patients. The diagnostics and appropriate mode of treatment are reviewed. The importance of early surgical intervention is stressed, as it can save lives.
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